
Hi my name is Tara, I’m currently 21 years of age and I am just finishing my degree in ‘Animal Behaviour and Wildlife Biology’. As the title of my degree suggests I have a definite passion in ecology and conservation and ideally hope to work in such a field after I graduate. My degree has been a fantastic, rapid learning curve for me and has really expanded my knowledge from simple know-how to a confidence that  I could actually begin to make my own impact in conserving our wildlife. This has almost naturally led to an interest in photography (particularly of the wildlife kind!) and after purchasing my first DSLR it has progressed quite rapidly from there.

Though I find all animals interesting, I have a particular passion for wolves, who I have been hugely enamoured by and appreciated for a long while. The UK Wolf Conservation Trust in Reading gives me a fantastic opportunity to get up close and personal with them, an experience I cannot even put to words how incredible it is, and has only further fuelled my desires to work with them in the future.

As well as supplying me with a vast amount of knowledge in animal behaviour and ecology, my degree has given me brilliant opportunities to travel and see the world a little – especially the world’s incredible wildlife! Though my degree certainly kick-started my travelling experiences properly, I cannot wait to continue them further throughout the rest of my life.